Ye, gods! I find it difficult to concentrate on creating this handbook when every time I turn around I feel pounded by all the political crap that you humans generate every time you elect a new president. Or a new senator. Or new toy. Or new dish soap.
I understand the lure of the Internet to spread your ideas, opinions, thoughts, and beliefs . Am I not contributing to a handbook about vampires? But this ability to inundate the world needs to be tempered with the knowledge to restrain yourself as well.
Did Shakespeare not say, "Methinks the lady protests too much"?
Well, that is how I view the people who carry on, interjecting themselves into every conversation regardless of the relevance of their input. If you truly believe something, state it once in your own blog, and then Move. On.
I learned that we vampires have something in common with most geeks? I think that is what you call people who are knowledgeable about the Internet and its social protocols. We both call people with these issues the same epithet - trolls.
Of course, I personally met a few real troll in my time. Nasty creatures, honestly, and so smelly that I burned my clothes afterwards. Like today's trolls, those trolls followed people around, complaining about the weather, the daytime, the nighttime, anything that would annoy people into throwing food, clothing, even coins at the trolls. If the offering passed the test, the trolls left, bound to another area to bother other people.
I enjoyed hunting and killing trolls.
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