Hello, my name is Gregory.
Actually, you may call me "Gregory", but that is not my name. Vampires like to change names every few hundred years. A new name helps us to adjust to the times. Of course, as fast as things change these days, I almost feel like I need a new name every other month.
Let me clarify this a bit - vampires change their human names every few hundred years. But we all have a vampiric name, that we use when we are around other vampires. For the record, it is most impolite to ask a vampire for their vampiric name. And we vampires are sticklers when it comes to manners.
I know that sounds rather strange, but we have to live with one another, so to speak, for decades to centuries. Following a strict code of manners helps us avoid certain, shall we call them pitfalls? Bad feelings generated when one feels as though you are not giving them enough respect. Manners avoid these situations, and help keep misunderstandings to a minimum.
That brings me to the point of my greeting. Once a week, I will answer any questions you have about vampires and vampirism.
Want to know about our culture? Please ask.
Our history? Well, you can ask, but I am only going to answer what I personally know as fact.
Dating? I won't touch that subject with a ten foot pole. Ask Jennifer about dating.
My contact information is on the right side of the screen. Feel free to click and ask.
I look forward to hearing from you.
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